Saying Goodbye to Real Estate Tycoon

The book has closed on the Real Estate Tycoon Let's Play , but it is not the end for Lance, Travis and Kimber. They will continue to live their lives together, grow and be happy. To commemorate the completion of the very first let's play on my channel , I want to take a walk down memory lane with the Real Estate Tycoon brood. We met Lance Redding, an aspiring real estate tycoon, as a young adult who had just moved into Willow Creek. Who knew that the neighborhood welcome wagon would bring fate through his door in the form of Travis Scott. Travis was into Lance from the beginning, but Lance was hitting on his roommate, Summer, so he wasn't sure he would be interested. However, he had a feeling about Lance... Lance may have been unsure at first, but he just couldn't deny the connection that he had with Travis. They became really serious about each other and made their relationship official. After some time, Lance sold his first home, mo...