The Sims 4: Riches to Rags Challenge

The Sims 4: Riches to Rags Challenge

The goal of the challenge is to take a "rich" Sim and make them lose it all! 

Rules **these rules are tentative and may change over the course of my challenge Let's Play**

1. Create your main Sim.

  • This Sim must have the Party Animal aspiration
  • You can use whichever traits you want.

2. Create a family.Your Sim needs a partner and at least 1 child (the more children the harder the challenge). They can have whatever aspirations and traits you want

3. Choose a home to move your family into

  •  Easy: a home worth at least §50,000
  •  Medium: a home worth at least §100,000
  •  Hard: a home worth at least §200,000

When moving the family into a home, enable the 'freerealestate on' cheat so that it will not use any of the family's funds to move into the house.

4. NO ONE in the house can have a job.

5. Have your Sim start spending money!

  • You can throw parties with all the bells and whistles, i.e. caterer, entertainer, mixologist. (Once aspiration is completed you can host non-prestige events if you like.)
  • Go retail shopping if you have Get To Work (preferably clothes shopping and not something you can sell later, but that is OK too, just remember you will have to sell it later.)
  • Go out! By a round of drinks for your group, spend money hiring npc's, get coffee (Get Together), and go out to eat (Dine Out)!
  •  Cook expensive meals
  •  Just do whatever will spend the funds you have!

6. Your Sim must destroy their family life! Be mean to the spouse and when the romantic relationship meter is completely red, Divorce, and the spouse can leave. The kid(s) must stay with the main Sim until their relationship meter is completely red too, then they can go live with the other parent.

7. When the bills come, pay them right away, if you don't have anymore money, start selling things in the house to get the funds. Keep selling until your house is demolished!

The Challenge is over when the entire family has left your main Sim, the house is gone and the bills can no longer be paid. This is meant to be a story based challenge, so have fun with it and create a beautiful disaster of a sim! 

You can even try and rebuild your Sims life after the challenge, rags to riches style.


-- Check out my Riches to Rags challenge playlist here

--Get my Riches to Rags family for your game here

--Download this and all my other Sims 4 creations here


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